St Huberts church Idsworth

Walk Description

This is a circular walk to the very special ‘church in the field’ which can be viewed from the train between Petersfield and Rowlands Castle. St Hubert’s church, Old Idsworth was built in the 11th century and is famous for its  wonderful Medieval wall art. This art was covered up during King Henry VIII’s reformation by layers of whitewash, until, in 1864, the Reverend J. Astley had the layers removed. 

The walk follows the ridge of the Sussex Border path which provides beautiful views of the varied, local South Downs landscape. 

Walk Leader

Sue Webber is a walking guide, historian & artist. Since returning to the UK, after many years living in Australia, she has worked for Sustrans & several local museums/heritage centres including currently at The Novium & Fishbourne Roman Palace. She combines all her passions in personal walking projects. These can be found on her website Hand Eye, Land Sky. She is currently walking the south coast between Portsmouth and Brighton soaking up local history along her route and using the landscape & natural products to inspire & create her art work. 


Sunday 7 April

Start Time


Starting Station

Rowlands Castle

Finish Station

Rowlands Castle


6 miles


At least 3 hours


Some hills



Dogs Allowed


Lunch Required

Bring snacks