Brading marsh

Walk Description

This beautiful walk to Bembridge on the coast, through the Brading Marshes Nature Reserve surrounding the River Yar, has options to suit all walkers.

The shortest is a 3 mile linear walk. The return options are a bus  to Ryde, Sandown or Shanklin.

Refreshments at the Village Inn or Bembridge Windmill.

The longer version is a 6 mile return walk to Bembridge. This returns to same way that you travel there. However, walking a path in the opposite direction is never the same.  Walking through the marsh at two different times of day will no doubt provide a greater opportunity to see more wildlife. 

Walk Leader

Brading station writers group

This walk is led by local author Maggie Hawkins. Maggie is a member of the Brading Station Writing Group.


Sunday 14 April

Start Time


Starting Station

Brading Station

Finish Station

Brading (if choosing return option)


Either 3 miles linear walk to Bembridge or 6 mile return walk


2 or 4 hours depending on walk option


Mostly Flat


Easy Going

Dogs Allowed


Lunch Required

Lunch not required for the one way walk. If choosing the return walk lunch can either be bought in Bembridge or brought. The walk will stop at the Village Inn in Bembridge.