Route Overview:
Once out of Haslemere, take quiet lanes through Grayswood, Chiddingfold to the picturesque Shillinglee, before returning along the base of Black Down to Haslemere.

Places of interest: Elliot’s Coffee Shop | The Crown Inn | Shillinglee

Turn left out of Haslemere Station and round the bend of Lower Street. At the junction with the High Street and the memorial carry straight ahead on the Petworth Road. Its a busy road but after about 10 minutes turn left onto the quiet Holdfast Lane – you’ll stay on this beautiful country lane for a long time. After a while the lane turns into Clammer Hill Road and then into Prestwick Lane. The Lane eventually comes into Chiddingfold and turns right into Combe Lane. Follow the lane into Woodside Road and then turn right into Coxcombe Lane which drops down to Chiddingfold Church and the green. Cross the road and you will find both The Crown Inn and Elliot’s Coffee Shop as good stops.

Cycle along the green and bear right onto Pickhurst Road, which opens up into woods and farmland, and drops downhill to a junction – carry on straight ahead – you are now on Fisher Lane. Turn right onto another beautiful quiet lane Plaistow Road and you enter the South Downs National Park. Freewheel past the imposing 18th century Shillinglee House. At a small green look ahead to see Black Down towering ahead, and turn right on to Shillinglee Road and pass ornamental fish ponds on either side. Cross the busy A283 onto Gospel Green Road, Keep going straight at the junction to Lurgashall and the lane eventually meets the Petworth Road. Turn left and prepare for a small climb past the beautiful Lythe Hill Hotel and then on into Haslemere, and keep left at the memorial to Haslemere Station.



14 miles


2.5 hrs+




508 ft climbs / 289 calories

Start and End
