Route overview

Farncombe station through Loseley estate to the North Downs Way, and then up to the scenic Puttenham Common, and then back through Cutt Mill, the pretty villages of Shackleford and Eashing before arriving in Godalming.

Places of interest: Watts Gallery | Loseley House | The Cyder House Inn Shackleford | The Stag on the River pub | Greyfriars Vineyard | The Jolly Farmer | The Good Intent

Exit Farncombe Station on the northbound side with the large car park, and turn right along Station Road. Turn left into Green Lane, past the White Hart pub and then right into Furze Lane. Farncombe village ends at a new development and the road ends in a junction. Take care here as often busy, so turn right and then sharp left into Stakescorner Road and breathe a sigh of relief as you cycle through the pretty fields of the Loseley estate. If you look left at the top of the slight incline you might see the historic 16th Century Loseley House and Park. After a downhill into the pretty village of Littleton (1) the most challenging climb of the ride – its not too long – comes as you approach the North Downs Way. At a tight right turn continue on to a dirt car park and immediately take a bridleway left (2) which climbs gently along the North Downs Way through the Loseley nature reserve. The path narrows as it winds down, opening up into a small sandy patch, and then up and then down to a crossroads of paths, marked by a wooden sign for Compton (4) Turning left is the return home, so carry straight on, which is another well earned, if a bit rooty, and in winter muddy, downhill which opens out to wide vistas of the North Downs. See how many horses you can count on the farm on the right!

The sandy track winds uphill (3), and then down in to the village of Compton. You’ll see the impressive Watts Gallery Artists Village on the right where you should sample the Welsh Rarebit and cake and view the other artisan workshops. If you have time you can follow the signs for the Watts Chapel to the left which is also worth a view.

Turn left out of the Watts Gallery and sharp right and you continue on the Surrey Hills Puttenham Loop (signposted) and also the Pilgrims Way. The giant cross over the bridge is a bit of a giveaway. Turn left after the second bridge on the marked bridleway and follow the path though Loseley Estate Nature Reserve which then joins Puttenham Golf Course. Look out for Greyfriars Vineyard on the right hand side. Exit the Golf course road and cross the road at a pedestrian reservation and turn right by the Jolly Farmer pub and turn left at the crest into Puttenham village.

Pass the Church and Puttenham Priory on your left hand side (home to Queen’s Roger Taylor) and The Good Intent pub on the right. At a bend continue straight up a smaller lane – still signposted Surrey Hills Loop. This climbs slowly up and at the top do look right to see the Hop fields running along the village. The road turns into a sandy bridlepath – follow this on to Puttenham Common and turn left. Follow the bridleway to the left and down a hill, bending round into some woods.

At a crossroads turn right and then first left in some tress – the path emerges on to the ridge with spectacular far reaching views of Devils Punch Bowl and Black Down. Follo the sandy path around to the right, take a left and after a small downhill take another left. This is a long wooded downhill which emerges along some ponds – keep right and turn right to cross the Tarn ponds.

Turn first right on a track which brings you out at a small car park – bear left on to a metalled road and carry on left past the lower car park. Turn left up Suffield Lane and then turn right along a road/ bridleway to Cut Mill. Look out for the spectacular Summer House on the Mill Pond. Continue following past Cut Mill House and up a bridlepath that can get overgrown, before turning right at Rodsall Manor. Follow the path and turn left (back on the Surrey Hills loop) up a gentle hill and then down a bending hill to emerge on Lombard Street. Turn left freewheeling downhill into the pretty village of Shakleford.

Turn right at the crossroads and past the Shackleford village sign, bearing right and going past/stopping at The Cyder House pub.

After the pub carry on up the road and look for a signed bridlepath just after the cricket ground. Take this path and emerge on Elstead Road. Cross the road and continue down the fields. at a gate turn left and carefully follow the perimeter of the field until it reaches a heavy swing gate. Go through and over the A3 footbridge, and turn left.

Cross the medieval bridge in Eashing and pass The Stag On The River on  the right, before climbing a small hill. Turn left on to Eashing Lane and follow round until turning left on Halfway Lane. Pass Fitzpatrick Referrals (C4’s The Supervet) and follow the path down New Way until you come to the back entrance to Godalming Station.



14 miles


2 hrs+




1099 ft climbs / 623 calories

Start and End

Farncombe / Godalming