Route Overview:

A simple 4km ride to do with children on pedals or adventurous balance bikers! Starting at Farncombe ride on pavements to Broadwater Lake. If you can ignore the excellent sand pit playground you visit the Waffle Van before carefully crossing the A3100 to the River Wey. Follow the towpath past the Manor Inn to Farncombe Boathouse, before turning right through Catteshall Lane and taking a sheltered footpath back into Farncombe.

Leave Farncombe station at the southbound exit and turn left along Summers Road pavement to a bend. Turn right down Nursery road and look for a left turn into Broadwater Park, under an arch and through a small car park onto a wide concrete path. 

Pass the sandpit and playground on the left hand side and after the toilets turn right downhill to Broadwater Lake and then turn left. Follow the path around the lake until you see a car park on your left. Do stop and visit the Waffle van for drinks and snacks.

Continue round the lake over the small weir and then turn left to cross the busy A3100. Use the pedestrian refuge if you need to, and then turn left along the road and go through the footpath signposted National Trust Wey navigation. The path can be muddy after rain, but always passable, with short cuts on the right hand side. At the river admire the beautiful views and then turn right and follow the towpath.

You will pass the Manor Inn pub with a small playground on the right hand side. A good stopping point is Trowers Bridge, with several arches, and a nice viewpoint to admire the river and the canal boats and paddleboarders.

After another bend you will spot a wonderful array of canal boats and soon arrive at Farncombe Boat House. At weekends they also have a cafe open – Hectors.

You will have to push bikes up a short steep path to emerge on the road. Don’t forget to admire the working canal lock on the other side of the road – if you are enjoying the towpath you can extend the route here into Godalming. Turn right along Catteshall Lane – the footpaths do narrow until you reach the A3100 again. Cross the road using the traffic lights, emerging at the Leathern Bottle pub. Just after the pub turn left up a sheltered footpath. Carry up this path, crossing Fern Road and emerging near Farncombe St John’s church. Opposite the church is Natter Cafe – always worth a stop, with outside seating also hidden at the rear. Turn right and you’ll see the return to Farncombe station on your left.



2.5 miles


1 hr




39 ft climbs / 100 calories

Start and End
